Friday, October 16, 2009

Real loss comes in the form of pain.

Everyday is passing too quickly for my liking. Sure, it may be the holidays soon, but..... we still have to get through the terror of recieving results before anything can happen.

Somehow, that's always the price to pay isnt it. Before you can get anything, and actually relax, you would have to endure something first. You would have to get a satisfactory result to exchange for anything else that you may want more than anything else in the world. Exchange, trades. Deals. Thats what the world is made of. You always have to give up something in order to get another. Nothing's simply give or simply taking here. Its always give and take. Or give, and give without getting anything in return. You're not expected to complain because obviously, its something that you have to do. Everything is just a business deal, a trade, simply put.

You cant get anything without losing something.

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