The Bottom Line
Follow all your whims today, no matter how unexpected or illogical they may be.
In Detail
Follow all of your whims today, no matter how unexpected they might be. It's time to let your subconscious drive you for a while. If you're in the mood for meeting lots of people, get out there and turn on your charm! A surprise reunion may be coming soon. And some people who know you only by reputation or sight are eager to get to know you better -- they want to know what lies beneath your intriguing exterior.
Hm, okay.
Seems like time passes us by quickly, faster than the rest of the years. Perhaps because its the year where the teachers & students alike are most stressed, are most concerned, for the stupid O levels towards end of the year. Then again, time. For us Sec 4s, passes so fast, but still for the others, passes as per normal. Why? Difference in thoughts, & how you rush through life?
Yes, Singaporeans have a tendency to rush. Anything they'd rush. Complain when its a long queue, rush through assignments or any work given, rush through life as though there's no tomorrow. & they complain about life. Why can't they just stop for a moment, and take a stroll, instead of just running through anything. Stop, & take a second look at the world around. Perhaps they'd realise that the world's more than what they thought, that there's more than the world than what it seems to it.
Is it that bad to always take one step at a time, to see what life would bring? Be spontaneous!
So, stop rushing. Gee.

As the colours cover the sky, it suddenly all seemed so clear and beautiful.
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