Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I was browsing through My Pictures & saw this picture, taken during the Games Carnival this year, & it made me laugh,lol :

Yes, it really did happen. ^^

Well, anyway.

So during recess, the guys were playing basketball in class, & Weihao threw the ball & it hit Jasmine,lol. Everyone were like, Ohhhhhh Weihao, you dieee, then everyone crowd around Weihao while Jasmine took the ball & threw it at him. Then someone ( Dont know who!) shouted Flagpole & then they started attempting to flagpole Weihao,lol! It was freaking funny I swear. First time, Yongjie was standing in the way of the pillar & Weihao,LOL. Damn funny man! Second time worked though,hahaha. Sihui has a video of it! Haha.

Talk by the HODs for Assembly Period yeah. Had Chinese after that at 3pm. The audi was chaotic siah. Rachel was chasing Limpon, the guys were trying to hit Zhiyi for i dont know what reason, & they were taking Weihao's stuff to stuff into my bag. Or mine into his, sheesh! Chaotic, I swear.

After Chinese, I walked with Cheryl Tang (who s so damn cute btw), Heather & Selena to Katong there, halfway through though, I was like, "Eh, why am I walking w/ you?". So I walked back to school, w/ Selena, to go toilet,( its on the way anyway!) lol. Then we strolled to the bubble tea shop.
They were showing Just Follow Law! Yesterday was Harry Potter3. Bubble tea bubble tea,haha.

If the world still spins on that same axis,
The sun would rise from the same side.
You won't change, even from this.
I cant believe I believe you.

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