Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oreo crushing and creamy filling

4 by 100m semi finals today! I hope I was fast enough, poor Jaslyn had to chiong her heart out to reach the finishing line with little to spare when I passed to her! Haha.

It was the day school started late today... but apparently as all those taking bus 12 tell me, its no use starting late cos every other school that is around the area starts late too. Like TJ, MJ, Ngee Ann, tsk. Even Hai Xing apparently. For the cars, I think its kinda okay cos this morning it was like getting to school even faster than usual, cos of the lack of the usual traffic jams in the morning. I reached school so early (8am!) when it started at 8.45am can. PSP to occupy myself in the morning, good thing there's Youtube & vdownloader HAHA.

2nd attempt at Oreo cheesecake's in the oven right now. I wonder how it'd turn out! (:

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