Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Every single word that you said.

O.M.G. I made it.
I know I know, not as tiring as the councillors/OGLs but still,hey, everyone has a part to play to make a camp a camp, some lesser than others but whatever!
Good luck man councillors(Malan Steffi Pb), 5d4n, you have my sympathies!

Day 1, everyone gathering together for th first time, not as high la. Everyone was kinda sian sian somemore, so... cheers werent that loud? Mostly the OGLs shouting their lungs out cos th rest of us feeling stranger to th house so didnt have that much house spirit to join in. (S30 Seagulllll...) I wore my Seagull shirt so a bit weird to be shouting Falcon cheers while in Seagull colours. Amazing race was the wet games part but we couldnt even change into our dark attire and just went ahead for th games in our normal shirts(I had my hse shirt on okay, white!!!). The shampoo one was ew,cos the shampoo was very hard to wash away. We had Night at a Museum for the night movie screening(ya not scary at all), and during th actual nightwalk itself my group wasnt even able to do anything cos we were waiting to get to our turn for th first station and apparently there wasnt enough time and before we cld do anything we had to go back already. Aw, so much for Pb's plan to scare the daylights out of me! Lights out at 11.30pm my bunk was insane, too full.
Everywhere was just sleeping bags, there wasnt even enough space cos 3 people didnt even have any space to sleep. Too full, a bit stuffy even. But I managed to sleep luh, too tired.

Day 2, morning exercise in th morning (duh). No 10 rounds! I reported sick though,cos having blocked nose and all. And guess what. Liting and I went on first aid duty yo! Actually its cos Jaslyn was sick and th teacher had to go off for some thing so she asked us to take care of her. So we were like okay sure. Then while watching her,more people came so we ended up doing 'first aid duty'. Then we had to go back to th hall for Soul Night preparation (albeit reluctantly because if we left who wld look after the sick people but apparently, we dont have a choice, someone says!). Telematch was just running around, completing stations much like the Amazing race but the dry version. I was looking forward to any form of ball games but nooo. Why man why. Anyway. Running around under th hot hot HOT sun makes me dizzy. Yeah whooo kinda dizzy. Shower time was terrible. We went to th toilets only to be told that we cld only bathe at 6.15 so we waited. Waiting,then we were told that we cldnt use that toilet. Sheesh! In th end i ended up washing my hair at th tap outside th stadium toilet can! Soul night was okay (omg standing up with everyone staring was freaky), got a bit of screw ups but okay la. Very short though, no mass dance and all. Lights out at 11.15,my class girls got th room to ourselves after th rearrangement of bunks so we slept in a circle and talked hehe very funny but what is said there stays there. Awwww.

Day 3,so ready to go home I swear. Damn early in th morning had to wake up (6.15am) to rush down to hall after washing up. Its mad,the actual time to report is 7.30am and yet we're all there at 6.30am already okay. I was still half asleep! Packing of bunks, area cleaning, we had to do th stadium toilets but apparently only a few people cld go in at one time if not itd be too squeezy so most of us stood out and cheered them on. Yeah, cheered. Moral support yo. Back to hall,joined th S30 people for small little tiny gathering hahaha and was all fight kill fight kill!/S30 bomb s30 bomb, whoo go S30! Everyone settled down, mass dance, I sat out th couple dance cos I had no idea how to do it, missed it. After that was a very cool video then home sweet home. Man i love my bed.

Okay so yeah roughly like that la yeah. So sleepy, 12am already.
Tmr still have school!!!! They shld let us off lorrr, even camp2 have sat/sun to recuperate. SIGH.
Time to collapse, goodnight world!

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