Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dont write me off just yet

Schools take all the motivation out of people. No, not all schools, but those schools has shit teachers. You wanna talk about motivation? Lets talk.
All lessons aim to do is take the freaking motivation out of people. And end up, we're only living for the ring of the bell. You ask us to be more motivated but are you doing anything to ensure that? All your lessons whatever all the motivation that we have is poof gone already thanks to the sheer monotone of the pace.

As you can tell,I had the parents teacher meeting just now. & my oh my how demeaning the teacher was with her words. How nicely degrading. I could have argued back but oh no my dad was there so face was given of course. If not I would have lots to say abt whatever she was saying. There are so many things that arent certain, that aren't absolute but the way she put it is argueable and can be actually denied. But what can I do? Absolutely nothing. Unfortunately for me, fortunate for her. Still,I think if I did say everything I was thinking that could counter, I would have just simply been kicked out of school instead of retained. That'd be interesting,however.

Bloody people shld just shut their bloody gap if they do not even know what they are talking about.

On a lighter note,had the Changi Adventure Camp thingy w the Bintan people this morning. Did flying fox and this suicidal thing. Flying fox was wow, the view on top was really nice, overlooking th sea, and the rush when you drop off was damn nice.! The suicial thing is actually a really high POLE that you gotta climb and when youre at the top, you just stand on that small area, then what do you do? You JUMP OFF. Yes, jump off. With safety harnesses though. Still, the sheer height of that thing and w nothing to support you, its still quite scary.

Finished up at around 12.30pm and then headed back to school.

& nowww,Im dead tired ): & I still have piano?! Urgh.

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