"The same night, whitening the same trees.
We, of that time, are no longer the same."
One of the perks of being sick is that you dont have to wake up so early to go to school and can sleep in until the ungodly hour of 3pm. So it seems, it isn't a bad thing that you dont have to go to school after all. It is, however, great.
Spent my time online shopping(more like, window shopping), watching the first 2 episodes of Heroes season 3(!), and arranging my worksheets into 'keep' and 'throw away'. Which of course, most of the junk goes into 'throw away' as I dont think Im going to have the need for them anymore... but either way, at least the drawers look neater now.
I've been packing my clothes too and from the internet, been getting inspiration to make it all much different than before. But the fact remains that yours truly is too short of cash to make it real. One day perhaps,I'll drop by Spotlight and finally get the stuff to turn fantasy into reality. One fine day, hehe.
Okay so there's school tmr as per normal. Something that we're all so not looking forward to, Im sure.
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