Monday, September 11, 2006

With reference to the previous post made arnd 12 plus this morning, I found my tie!! :D And no, I didnt wake up in the middle of the night to find my tie. I was packing my bag after I finished the Roo puzzle. :D So cute okay. Anyway.. ya, I was packing then I remembered it was a Monday so I went to rummage through my stuff for the tie, & apparently, I didnt find it until I saw it on the table downstairs when I was about to leave for school.

& I cant log in to Windows Live Messenger now!! Argh. According to Veron, I'm not the only one. & considering that I can still log onto Windows Messenger, I'm supposedly lucky alr. OH.

Its SEPTEMBER 11 (9/11) today.

At 9.46pm (Singapore time), people, ONE MINUTE OF SILENCE for those poor beings who perished in the hijack of the plane which eventually crashed into the World Trade Center, yeah?
For more information about those whose lives had been changed by the 9/11 incident, go here.

Okay, now.
Moving on.. Moving on.

I swear, 3C's the wackiest class ever. We actually made Mrs Tan ( A Maths co-teacher) think that Miss Wang was pronounced not as WANG, but WHANG. Lol. Damn funny. I think she knows its not it lar, cos we burst into laughter everytime she says Miss Wang's name. Hahaha. & if Miss Wang decides to go after the culprit, she can go after Tinkerbell Legend Lim Yong G! Lol!
& more! Faizzah & Paula even began singing Christmas songs during A Maths stay back lesson today, even though its not Christmas yet!
Paula: Last Christmas I gave you my heart~~
Faizzah: Paulala! Its not Christmas now why you sing Christmas songs for!
Me: Erm, Faizzah?? You were the one who sang 12 days of Christmas like, last term!
Faizzah: (laughs) On the first day of Christmas~~
& the knock knock jokes! SHEESH! All related to Christmas, made by the one and only Paula. Oh man. WACKY! xD But its fun all the same, as I've said, 3C's fun beyond weird. :D

Physics lecture tmr for the first time ever! Weird man. Moreover, Tchen BH's lecturing. Oh shoottttt.

Well, time out people! (: I gotta go do my Social Studies paper, which is counted in the exam, and finish up whatever work I need to do. & then time to start on the 500 piece Best Friends puzzle! (:

Oh & then lime green Lamborgini I saw today was beautifulllllllll! :D

Sigh. In the I-want-peace&quiet-around-me kinda mood.
Hmm, so thats why I screamed at my neighbours & sister for making so much noise just now.

Sometimes we search too hard for answers that are right in front of us.

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