Monday, February 27, 2006

Wondering arnd.

One moment you are having the time of your life, the next moment everything comes crashing down on you. You feel lost, and dont know what to do. You've never lost so much control before and you never wanted to. The happy moments are just past now, nothing matters but the present, where you had nothing to live for, however, ashamed to face your ancestors if you see them in the other world. You try to change your identity, but its hard, cos you will always be you and not some mask you decide to put on for the rest of your lives. So you face life, with that fake, ugly lopsided grin on your face, which makes you look like a doll on exhibition. Taken in by that facade, people believe you and think that nothing has happened to you and you are happy in life, when deep inside, you are crying your heart out. You stand in front of the mirror, perfecting that smile for everyone to see. People might have actually believed it, but whenever you yourself look into the mirror, all you see is someone else, and not your real image. People look at you as though you are their ray of sunshine, and that you would always be there for them to hold on to. Decieved by your smile, thats what they percieve. When inside, all you wanna know is cry out your sadness, and wash them away with your bitter tears. That one unforgettable moment when you lost everything, its forever etched in your mind, taking growth in everything you do, affecting you indirectly. You end up losing the most important thing in life-- yourself.

I dont fit in 3C. Its not meant for me, I'm supposed to be in Combined! Where I'll probably be much much happier.. 3C is a perfectionism class. You are supposed to be smart and not fail anything. Its just, not me.

Singapore is a a stupid place. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. No place to run away to.

My face is red. Urgh. Cannot get tan, get burned instead. This sucks la. I'd rather get tan, dark dark dark instead of being burned. And my stupid phone is HANGING. DAMNIT LA. AT THIS TIME, I DONT HAVE ANY PATIENCE LEFT ANYMORE.


Tennis would be very very dangerous later.. Watch out, small yellow round things might hit you, if you are anywhere near.

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