Friday, March 31, 2006
Let the rain fall down, Violet.
After the test, went to PP to find Selena and MS. And of cos, Cheryl was with them. I drank the Ice Choc (!), and then moments of silence between us, and then took a cab to Takashimaya. Reached there, and hung arnd the department store for a while. Then, headed to Lido, cos Sele and I had neck probs, so we, or rather I, thought that movie was the best cure, to watch Ultraviolet. The show is er, how to say arh, not very bad la, but not the kind that makes you want to watch it over and over again those kind. Yup. After movie, on the way to MRT station, Sele and I got kind of obsessed with the word "Darr". Lol! We annoyed MS to no end about it. (: We had some.. er, lost memories resurfacing along the way, but I hope its gone now, k? (Dont think too much abt it!)
Last night also got some problems thanks to that stupid 'anonymous' person. Thankfully, its all settled now, and Kay is fine. At least some good came out of the bad thing. She learnt to stand up for herself. I'm so proud of her! (:
People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban
Professor Lupin: Now repeat after me - without wands please - repeat after me, Riddikulus.
Class: Riddikulus!
Professor Lupin: And again!
Class: Riddikulus!
Malfoy: This class is ridiculous.
I'm outta here.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Horsing around.
Doc's diagnosis: Colic. HAHA. Horsy thingy. (:
Me and my mum had this conversation in this car-
Mum: Babies all have colic.
Me: So thats why they burp la.
Mum: Yaaaaaa. And Liang Yu everytime also burp, so nothing happen to him.
Me: So your saying that I should burp more often is it?
Mum: Ya.
Me: You know, burping is considered as an unladylike behaviour. Soooo....
Mhm. Rather.. random. Haha. So. My medicine is really wierd colour k. My previous blog post showcased two rooms, one yellow, one orange. And turned out that my medicine's colour was one type yellow, and the other type orange! Super wierdddddd. Lol.
I watch half of Casanova and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ytd. I think I'm going to finish watching Casanova and then move on to... I dont know, Oliver Twist? Nah. See if got any action shows like the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. That show was nice. (:
A funny thing to end this post:
"Why don't you want to wear the dress. I made it just for this."
"Because I for one am male Lily dearest. And also because I am male Lily sweetness. And did I mention Lily darling, that I am male."
"Your point?"
"That I am male."
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
On leave.
I'm at home now. Eating my er, brunch. I would like to thank the green form! And Lena Poh, and Mr Tchen. And my mother and my maid and my grandparents, and my dad and my sister and my brother and.. so on. Lol. Er. HAHA. I'm joking. (:
Wushu was killer la! At the start, I thought it was gonna be okay, with that funny catching game, but then gradually, it became boring and tedious. My ankle hurts now la, from leaning on it so much, and my arm, OW! Somemore mock test. Wlau. CE also got test lei! Which is stupid, in my opinion! Oh, well. Sure fail. Next week still have! What a NICE thing to look FORWARD to! Urgh! Idiotic la.
"This was the original list which helped our bright but dense friend realize the perfect boy for her was standing right in front of her all that time. However, we should think one addition should be added to this list.
26. Love you with all his heart.
True, it may sound cheesy, or you may think it unlikely to find in a boyfriend while you're still in school if you still are. But, it is an essential part of a perfect relationship, and one all of our match-made pair had. This is the true key to matchmaking, dear readers: simply acting on something already there. "
So Aw-worthy right! Lol.

Cheryl's fave!

MINE and Sele's fave!
The person who made my day: The driver of SHA221D. (: Funny guy.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Fallen through
Wednesday tmr. Got drama again. Fine. Drama.. is ok, as long as they keep it groupwork-y, and no PujaDada around. She would totally destroy whatever fun atmosphere there is there. Oh yeah, HEY SELE. Lets drink Ice Blended Choc tmr! (: Lol.
I'm soo heng! No teachers wanna see my parents. Phew. I dont know whether still need to go lei, hope NOT. Going there, listening to PChan speak, is a BORING thing. She dilly dallys as much as Mrs Tan! Maybe their both related or something. Hm. Whatever, I dont care. It has nothing to do with me. Haha.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
New stuff.
I watched Mirrormask just now, cos woke up too early and my bro was using e com, so I had nothing to do. Its quite.. ok la. Fantasy-y lor. I watched for a while, then my bro came down and watched, then my sister. Haha. So. Ya la. Nothing to do now.. Maybe watch another show or something.
Swimming exam for my bro ltr. And going out called off cos Sele had to reach home by 12.30, and that is NOT possible, looking at the time now. Sigh. K la. Gonna try to put e songs into the phone.

I love this show! (:
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Changed skin.
The tuition teacher is laatteeee! For goodness sake, he's always late! Lousy tuition teacher la. Sigh. He major in Physics, yet I fail physics. How amusing. The later he comes, the later I get my phone. Oh, damn him to the last level of hell. Urgh.
My fav song in Eng (chorus):
Please dont say anything
I dont want to know at all
At least I still can have the beautiful dreams
Please dont say anything
I really dont want to know at all
At last I understand
Its time to let go..
Friday, March 24, 2006
Unlucky or plain bad?
Physics was funny la. Extremely. Huan Wen was being hailed as a girl! Ms Huan Wen, as Mr Tchen calls him, haha! And for running, people usually use pistol or horn, Ms Huan Wen suggested using a FLARE GUN. Lol!!
I'm so unlucky, lol. Confirm buying the phone tmr, didnt buy today though I was in the shop, cos NO STOCK! Thats how unlucky I can get, haha. So tmr morning (after stupid tuition) going there lor. My mum actually wanted to go skating, but rink closing at 2pm! Then evening, might be going out to watch movie? Who knows. They havent confirmed yet. Mhm.
Last night, me and Fong were pondering over a piece of wonderfully written poetry. Its really nice, the meaning too. WAIT A MIN. THE ICE CREAM MAN IS HERE! Hold on a sec.. Ok! My yummy ice cream! Lol.
Zhong yu ming bai, gai fang shou..
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Zhong Yu Ming Bai by Dong Li Huo Che rocks! (:
Everyone needs someone. Someone who will accept them, listen to them and let them know they are not alone. What of those who have no one? They may wind up taking drastic measures.
The Dummy
by Michael Mack
In that forgotten part of town
Where wasted hopes and dreams abound,
A wrinkled man with life near end,
In hopes to have at least one friend,
Fashioned bits of wood and things
And made a dummy run by strings.
He sat alone for hours on end,
Conversing with his only friend
And found delight within the fact
That he controlled it's every act.
He told it how he never had
A chance, since all his luck was bad
Although he'd tried so to succeed -
The dummy nodded and agreed.
And how his journeys in romance
Had never given him a chance,
And wasn't it a crying shame
That he was always held to blame
When everyone knew, oh so well,
That life is but a living Hell,
Controlled by lust and power and greed?
The dummy nodded and agreed.
With patience that would rival saints,
That dummy sat through all complaints
And, with each little expert tug,
He'd droop his head or bow or shrug
And give some comfort to the man
Who held his lifelines in his hand
And helped to fill a lonely need
When he just nodded and agreed.
Senility increased with time
As did the old man's phantomime,
And feverish fingers pulled with glee
The dummy's dance of misery.
They never left each other's side
Until the day both stopped and died.
We found them lying, hand in hand,
The dummy - and his wooden friend.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I'm bored la. Nothing to do.
I thought of something this morning: "My life may be boring, but what has it go to do with you? Its my life." Haha. Thought it up in the car. Mhm. Sian.
Got MC for drama today. So didnt go. Yay. But left Sele and MS alone. So sad. And I definitely know, that Cheryl CANNOT do what SHE say. Urgh. Say she didnt wanna talk to the rest, in the end did. WTH la! Idiot. Caused me to be super bored and not talk to them lor, when she herself didnt stand by it! Hell la.
Hm. I suddenly feel like drinking Coffee Bean ( No more Starbucks! HAHA.). Lol.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Pray hard..?
I made it through MONDAY! The FIRST day of (horrifying, and torturous) school!! And DRAMA. I made through all of it! CONGRATULATIONS TO MYSELF! Cheers!! (:
AND. I just handed my dad the report card to sign. Yes, NOW. And guess what he said? (No, he din scold me.) He went, "You'd better pray hard arh, Xiao Xuan." And I was like, "You pray meh?" Lol! But he din scold me. Another huge PHEW. Wheeeee!
Tennis was fun! As usual! I took out all my stress on the ball, haha. Even my friend was like, "I know you are angry but you dont have to take it out on the ball and hit so hard." Lol. How amusing. Hehe!
English Puja wasnt there, and that trainee Ms Tan was teaching, so everyone wasnt really paying attention, and sometimes,we were talking to her the way we never dared to talk to Puja.
3C had to stay back today for some E Maths E-learning thingy. Supposed to be until 4.30pm but the trainer let us off earlier. A Maths lecture was off at only 2.50pm, which was atrocious, cos our E-learning was at 3pm, and obviously, we had NO time to eat lunch at all! Plus, the drama members (Me, Vimal and Tania) had to go to drama straight after that, but thankfully, the trainer gave us some precious off time. Yay! But then, after that we had to wait for Mrs Tan, who was horrendously late, to come and go through the quiz paper. Me and Vimal were thinking of whether to go to Drama or stay in Chem. Decided to stay in Chem cos Drama sucks, and Chem was in the computer lab, haha! So around 4.50pm like that then go for Drama lor. At least missed a little.. Lol.
So, now back from tennis, trying to do my Georg hwk, which I HAVENT completed, or even started on, during the hols. What a procrastinator I am. HAHA.
Gonna do now la, seeya.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Time for Me to Fly.
I've been wasting my time
I've been losing my mind
I've been running races
Still don't know what I've been chasing
But my eyes still can see
Bluer skies that wait for me
And I'm on my way
Time for me to fly
Time for me to soar
Time for me to open up my heart and knock on heavens door
Time for me to live
It's time for me to sing
Time for me to lay down all my worries and
I'll spread my wings
Time for me to fly
The earth can be a heavy ride
When the clouds are in your eyes
But I feel a calling
I will rise, I won't be falling
And I'll escape the gravity
And I'll reach my destiny
And I'll fly away
(Repeat Chorus)
The gates of heaven will open wide
I will be
I will rise
There won't be compromise
As I take to the open skies I will fly away
I will fly away
I will fly away
I just wish I could fly away, no sch and such.. Unless, as my brother says, which I think is entirely lame, that there is imperial examinations in the heavens to determine your rank. Lame right!? Haha. Ok, so ya la.
To my special friend: Know that we're always behind you all the way. Come what may, we can do it together. Love ya. (:
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Atrocity and fun. (:
Didnt get my phone today. Why? Cos my mum got the date all wrong. Its actually 24th of March instead of 14th! Thats so sad la. But anyway.
On a lighter note: Here's March 17. (Ltr put more.) Photos. A picture says a thousand words, rmbr? And some pictures not putting up. All dont need ma, haha. And Nic! I'm not gonna put up that pic of me taller than you even though.. you know. Yeah. (: HAHA.

Me cooling down. (:

Thursday, March 16, 2006
Malaysiaaa. Truly Asiaaa! (:
I wrote for some days there. Haha. HERE:
12 March
Still ON THE ROAD!? Its either my parents are still driving supr slow, or its supr dupr far!! Hai. So long. So sian. My sister's sleeping soundly. (Alliteration, haha!) Lucky her. I can never be able to fall asleep once I wake up properly in the morning one.. SIGH. So stuck in the car, a few miles in the middle of nowhere, feeling damn bored while writing this. Later k? Toodles.
My On-The-Go lunch: Ice Chocolate from Baskin Robbins! Lol, yum yum. It can actually make one full, haha. That stopover was damn hot la! Even hotter than Singapore nowadays. I was practically dying from the heat.. Everytime go Malaysia, would stop at there one. Even park e same place as that time go with ZK. Same hotel somemore. Skarly same room. That would be wierd. Oh yeah, and eat at that restaurant again! Which is super nice la. Write ltr. Seeya.
Ello! Back from one day. Lol. Went for a swim in the sea in the afternoon. Got myself all sandy and stuff, but it was fun! And collected sand. (Who wants? HAHA.) Then went to play 2 games of billard. Finish playing, got nothing to do, play caram. Won my bro! Whoohoo. (: Then go eat seafood at somewhere out there. Lol. Just came back, me, my dad and my bro went to see at the end of the chalets, the one closest to the sea, got someone who walked more than 100m into the water! And he's still waist-deep. No, less than that. Anyway, thats how low tide-y the water is lor. Tmr's another day here, playing tennis! Rock your life, seeya. (:
13 March
Hey! (: At night already, no one seemed to be sleepiong, haha. Morning woke up arnd 10am. The waves sounds are soothing, although my mother says otherwise. Wierd. Ok, tennis was a killer! Remind me NEVER to play tennis in the morning, so hot! Well, after tennis, my bro and my mum/sis went to the pool and beach respectively. Me and my dad? Stayed in the hotel room, haha! I read finish my The Tenth Circle already. Quite nice. (: Haha. Them we went for lunch, then me and my siblings played Stack-Up Chairs, while my parents slept. I stacked all! Haha. They couldnt. Sad. ER, then played monopoly at the kid's room downstairs, lol. Then went back to the beach to soak in the water. Haha. So sandy! Ate dinner at the same place, cos lazy to go find others, besides, its nice enough! Oh, and while going for lunch, we saw this row of birds on the electricity wire. This is what happened:
Sis: Why the birds all like this?
Mother: They all queue up! Cannot cut queue!
Sis: WHY?
Bro: They all wanna buy Toto!
LOL! Funny la. Was at the beach just now, round 10pm. The sand very cold, very nice! KL tmr. Byee.
KL was as per normal la. Same hotel, same food, round the same stuff. Cept bought more DVDs, and bought Ripcurl boardshorts! Yay. Haha. The list of DVDs (Whoa! Its a lot!):
1. Fearless
2. Underworld: Evolution
3. The New World
4. Dreamer
5. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
6. School of Rock
7. Wimbledon
8. Just like Heaven
9. Rebound
10. Oliver Twist
11. Memoirs of a Geisha
12. Casanova
13. The Pink Panther
14. Mirrormask
15. Into the Blue
16. Stay
17. Goal
18. Revolver (old show)
19. Lord of War
20. Munich
21. Domino
22. Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-rabbit
23. The Weather Man
24. The Constant Gardener
SO MUCH! My goodness! And I thought there was only 20. Lol!! I wanted Aquamarine! But it wasn't clear. SIGH. So sad. The rest would have liked it too. (:
On the way back to Singapore..:
Me: Dont think of a purple elephant.
Sis: Purple elephant..?
Me: I told you not to think of it!
(5 mins ltr)
Sis: Purple elephant..
Me: Dont think of it!
(5 mins ltr)
Sis: Purple elephant..
Me: Urgh.
(Keep going on like this til Sis falls asleep.)
Me: No more purple elephant! (She still sleeping.)
(10 mins ltr, sis wakes up.)
Sis: Purple elephant..
Tmr going to Sentosa, I guess. Well. Finish blogging le, so long already, haha.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Dont miss me k? Seeya on Thursday, or face to face on Friday, if Cheryl and Selena make it possible. And Cheryl Koh! You better complete the two things I expect from you.. OK!? Haha.
Byebye! [;
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Starbucks DRINK
Going to Malaysia tmr. HA! Cant wait! Cant wait!!! S'pore's boring, as proven ytd.
Btw, in case you dont know, I changed my email.
Friday, March 10, 2006
At the beginning la. Cos why? Cheryl, MS and Sele were LATE. And you know how much I hate people who are LATE. And their late, is not even few minutes late. Is a HOUR late! URGH. So, I read the Picture Perfect Charmed book at Kino. Just sat there, and stoned, reading the book. I went to look for them when I FINISHED READING IT. Thats how late they were!! And FINALLY met them at Kino, and they gave me a card, on it, "I'm sorry". LOL. And inside got their signatures and such, and I laughed, not at the card, but at their silliness! Haha. I bought The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult. I wanted to buy more.. But couldnt, cos no money. Sigh. And the book I wanted was $33.85!! Expensive right?? HAI.
Then, went to Paragon and see the surf shop there, and such la. Found out that Harvey Norman was cheating our money!! Haha. The FX laptop at Harvey Norman was $3,999, but at Sony Gallery was $3,299! Cheat us of.. $700!! Which is NO small sum of money.. Still, can forget abt buying it la, sigh, so sad. Walked arnd, drank Starbucks (the drink!), and then got dragged to Marina Sqaure, where I bought the Billabong wallet! The same one as MS, and she said she didnt mind, and Cheryl bought her Le Coq Sportif black bag. There was some sort of fashion show there.. MS was looking at it, haha. I wanted to buy a puzzle! But in the end, got no money, haha. Then went home lor.
Btw, I saw a great present for WF in Kino! Dont know whether should buy her now or what, cos she might buy it before we have the chance to get it for her. Its really suit her la. Its 40 bucks, so some of us might share it. (:
And well, here I am! (: Blogging, since got nothing to do.
There is nothing you could've done. There will always be people who say mean words because you are different. And sometimes their minds cannot be changed. But there are many more people who do not judge others based on how they look or where they are from. Those are the people whose words truly matter.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
A Maths -siao
(Us as in me, Sele and MS.)
I dont know abt the rest, but I havent done so much A Maths in one day!! My head's gonna explode with the D more than blah blah blah. Gawd. You'd better go tmr.. Or else, I'll personally strangle you!!
Tell you arh, Cheryl's tuition teacher really wanna kill her la. So much to do! If she didnt have us.. Bet even by Sat, even if she never go out, also cannot finish! Hmph.
Friday's tmr. No tennis. Sad. Cos Nicole said her aunt was sick.. and most likely cant go. So pityful right!? However.. going out tmr! (:
I got my result slip back. Sucks la. Anyway, its the same as Sele's. Haha.
Better get back to my "oh-so-dear" A Maths! Seeya.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Laughter and tears.
What made me laugh yesterday, when I was so down, and yet made me laugh again just now? This:
"Something for you?" Harry asked coolly.
Ron took a deep breath and jumped into the air. "Aauggh!" he shouted as he came down. And jumped again. "Aaaggh!" And again. "Oooh! Ahhh! Hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, baaahhhh!"
Draco darted out of nowhere and joined the insane dance, which had gathered everyone’s attention in the few seconds it had been going on. "Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk," he chanted, hopping around and flapping his arms like a chicken.
Harry couldn't keep a straight face. I don't believe this.
Hermione joined in, her choice of vocalization a high-pitched yowl. "Oww, oww, oww, oww, oww..."
Ginny's yowls were similar, but a bit deeper. "Mowwr, mowwr, mowwr..." Harry found himself watching the arc of her red hair as it rose and fell in counterpoint with her jumps.
Luna made little noises like Ginny's owl Pigwidgeon as her feet hit the ground. "Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo..."
Neville and Meghan were jumping hand in hand, one up, the other down, yelping an insane duet. "Eee, ahh, eee, ahh, eee, ahh..."
Ron, still capering around and yelling, met Harry's eyes and grinned at him bashfully, then brought his hands up to his face and stroked them down both cheeks.
Harry surrendered to his rising laughter, nodding frantically even as he laughed, and then turning the laughter into his own noises as he, too, began to jump up and down, joining in the dance rather than being the one danced around. And other people were beginning to join in, he noticed - Seamus and Dean were bouncing with them, as were a few small Hufflepuff girls, a Ravenclaw or two -
And then suddenly it seemed that most of the courtyard was doing the Trouble-Taking Dance, all jumping up and down and making a variety of odd noises, most of them by now related to laughter in some way, as it all struck everyone as so very funny. A few people were up on the low walls of the courtyard, jumping on them. Harry thought that looked like a good idea, and bounced his way over to join them.
And from that vantage point, he saw the one thing that could make this day even better.
He waved his arms frantically to get people's attention and beckoned for silence, and for them to keep jumping, pointing in the direction of the person he'd seen. The word spread quickly, so that when Professor Snape rounded the corner of the outdoor passageway, he was confronted with a courtyard full of students all leaping up and down in complete silence except for the sound of their feet and the occasional stifled snigger.
It was easy to hear the bell ring from inside the castle, with no one talking or making a sound. And it seemed the most natural thing in the world to keep jumping as they collected their books and possessions and streamed back into the castle, hopping and bouncing past Professor Snape in silence and attempting valiantly not to laugh at his expression of total and complete bewilderment.
Lol! Its really funny. Just visualize it in your head, haha! Hm, yeah.
I cant wait for Friday, it makes up for all the bad times this week. Sele's coming my hse. Yay! Finally, someone decides to venture out of the East, whoohoo! (: Shes gonna see Starbucks and help me carry the racquets. And today, we ( Cheryl, Kaylie, Sele and I) were walking out to the bus stop, I asked my mother to fetch me from there, when I was talking to Sele, and Cheryl was holding the racquet and refused to give it to me, then my mother suddenly honked, and so I went to the car.. Inside the car le, realised that I didnt have the racquet, and looked out the window to find Cheryl waving the racquet like crazy to me, and then I just beckoned her to keep her. Lol! And she said I bully her, which is funny, cos she refused to give up the racquet, haha. The racquet's WF's.. Haha. Cheryl, better not spoil it or something!
Obviously, I'm in a better mood now! And the news of going to Malaysia made it so much better too! (: Cant wait! FRIDAY! Whoohoo! And Cao Cao by JJ's nice.
Cheers, enjoy!
I'm dreading school. Sigh. I miss 2H.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
My BLACK list.
Being broke.
Being interupted in the middle of something.
Boring lessons.
Bias people.
Loud and obnoxious kids.
Nagging parents/teachers!
People who think that I'm going on a freaking diet.
People who cancel at the last minute.
People who insult my friends. (That ass!)
Phone hanging on me!!
Running lots of rounds.
Songs that give me a freaking headache.
Stupid results.
Unreasonable parents!!
Please make it rain.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Tennis + People
KC people are damn unreasonable la. I dont mean all la, some. Stare only, not even at them, big deal arh. Pick fight only when got lots of people.. Wlau. How barbaric their behaviour can get. Laugh also laugh so loud, like nobody's business like that. HELLO!? Your in a public place, if you cant get it!? Not your home, nor your school!? Urgh.
School was sian. The stupid construction worker, that maths trainee teacher, was practically shivering throughout the whole A Maths lecture! Me and Fiza were laughing at him, and imitating him. His hand shook so much that he couldnt draw a straight line! Haha. And his handwriting are like little kids'. Lol.
Drama canceled. (: Initially told Puja that I got dentist appointment. Now.. since drama canceled, dont need that stupid letter already. Yay.
I walked arnd PP with MS. Initially Sele was there, but she went home earlier, cos she had ballet, which she didnt even know where! Haha. So we went and see laptops and all those digital stuff la. We even pointed out the stuff for future home, who in charge of what and all. Omg la. The Vaio TX is damn small and COOL. I want it! But its so ex. ): Hai. Unlucky. Oh well, can just forget it la. Go JC and will get a laptop from my mum. (: Me and Sele resolved to go to the same JC. Lol. If we can la. Jia you! Yeah!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DAD, AND CLEMENT KOH. (Cheryl's bro. Hoped you liked that star, haha. )
The following is a video from 1 Dec 05, of that time the beach, pushing ppl inside the water, heres Nicole. It might take a long time to load!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Work was work.

MY OREO EMPIRE! ( Flourished under my rule. [:)

Our work place, but later become very very messy and empty, haha.
Tmr dont need to work le, cos we packed a lot already. Lol. Kept running out of NEWater too. They had to go and restock everytime we ran out. (: Fun la.
Party at home now, not mine. Yeah.
Tennis on next Friday, Cheryl organise one. The holiday that Friday go Sentosa. ( Cheryl wants to tan! LOL.)
To HER: Your thinking is all wrong. She wasnt the one who told Nicole to scold you. It was Nicole's own decision to scold you. Its not even her fault, and you blame her as though it was all because of her that YOU got scolded. Tell you something: its your own fault you got scolded. It was all your own doing, dont blame other people because of that. Its just cos she's too nice to say NO sometimes that she's affected by you, get it!? I bet you dont. You dont think that anything is your fault, do you? Besides, you were the one who made MS sneak out that day, and didnt let her go home early enough. SO THERES NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELF.
Friday, March 03, 2006
I love folding paper stars! Currently folding. Lots and lots of em. Bought quite a few to do too, just now, haha. Yay. Got Pau's birthday present le. It might be small, but hey, at least its sincere. And thats what matters most hor? Haha.
Something real BIG happened in sch today. Ok, fine, not say big la, but still, at least its big to me. Not saying it here. Some ppl should know. Recess time, when we were still laughing and wanted to go up, suddenly saw the DM standing at the middle of the stairs. Gave us a HUGE shock lor. So freaky. Wanted to catch Cheryl and er, her friend, for the food that hold in their hand. Haha. So the rest of us ( Pam, Nicole, MS, Sele and I) quickly siam away. Haha. And then reach the toilet.. so funny! Nic, Pam and MS went in, then Sele and I were debating whether want to go in or not, in the end just go in lor, then at the door, Sele went in first, and Hui Ting was going out. Then when Hui Ting see us, she suddenly scream. Lol! So loud somemore lor! HAHA. Very funny! Then she ran out screaming. LOL! Sele and I couldnt stop laughing. Hahaha! The look on Hui Ting's face was really damn funny la! Like she was freaked out or something. Lol.
Reading Salem Falls now! Finish by the end of the day, or tmr, so return to Cheryl tmr. So, means.. she got the book first, but I read that book before her without buying it. Lol! Its like The Pact la. Haha.

Taken by Kaylie! (:
It is strange how time flies
It's been a year that's gone by
And you don't know the colour of my eyes
But what am I supposed to do when all hope is gone
How am I supposed to leave you when you're the only one
Made a deal with mister hate
It's my soul he wants to buy
For you I'll die
For you I'll die
-Rylie;Xuan [x
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Perfect World
I never could have seen this coming
It seems like my world's falling apart
Yeah, why is everything so hard?
I don't think that I can deal with
The things that you said
Just wont go away
In a perfect world
this could never happen
In a perfect world
you'd still be here
And it makes no sense
I could just pick up the pieces
But to you this means nothing
Nothing at all
I used to think that I was strong
Until the day it all went wrong
I think I need a miracle to make it through
Yeah, I wish that I could bring you back
I wish could turn back time
Cause I can't let go
I just can't find my way
Yeah, without you I just can't find my way
In a perfect world
this could never happen
In a perfect world
you'd still be here
And it makes no sense
I could just pick up the pieces
But to you this means nothing
nothing at all
I don't know what I should do now
I don't know where I should go
I'm still here waiting for you
I'm lost when you're not around
I need to hold onto you
I just can't let you go
In a perfect world
this could never happen
In a perfect world
you'd still be here
And it makes no sense
I could just pick up the pieces
But to you
This means nothing
Nothing at all
You feel nothing
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
"Perhaps my heart should be cold and austere, like the ice on which I skate." I totally agree.
Thank you and good luck, Cheryl.
Com lab now.
Got the dice from Kaylie today. Thought she wasnt coming to school cos she wasnt there in the first period for Chinese thingy. Yeah.
Vaio FJ Notebook is damn nice la! $2,457. Would take so long lor. As calculated.. its 2 and a half yrs more. I'll be in JC by the time I get it la! And by that time, sure got new laptops out le, and then have enough money to buy em! (: Yay. But, wait till then then say la, not sure whether along the way would use up or something... Haha. Most likely would. Lol.
Bell's ringing soon. Better stop. (: Blog at home! Seeya.
-Rylie;Xuan [x
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
THE ONE AND ONLY SELENA! THE GIRL WHO PASSED HER A MATH FINALLY! SO HAPPY SO HAPPY! (: okay! xx ask me to blog here so here i m. i love xiao xuan! (: she's so nice to me cept for the umno pap thing. ): thats not nice.
OKAY IM JEALOUS OF HER. i admit i love starbucks alot. BUT I CANT HAVE HIM): so saddening eh? some day some time i'll go to her house to admire and touch him so he will finally get to see his godowner who loves him more than his owner. thats plan A! >:)
love; SELEE! (:
Rachel and I ran out of the hall when the stupid teacher wasnt watching. HAHA! We were like, the only ones who started running and everyone else was sitting down. It was fun. (:
-Nicole Ng
-Paulina Lee
-Huang Xiao Xuan
-Cheryl Koh
-Woo Wan Fong
-Kaylie Sim
-Selena Ng
LOL! Its funny! Whole day we stood according to these, haha. Funny way these started at reccess. Haha.
Pam went home today cos she was not feeling well.. Hope she's ok! (:
Walking to the bus stop was extra fun today! Haha. WF should know. Hehe. I'm still saving for a laptop you know. Haha. It'll take forever la. Kaylie's buying in Sept. We were talking outside the audi, cos got time until 2.30pm mah. Haha. Sentosa during March Hols anyone? Hehe. I know for one that Cheryl wants. I want tennis! Today after Maths was rather depressing la, the ppr totally sucked. Hai. I needed to vent my depression on something like tennis. But I forgot abt it soon, thanks to Cheryl and Kaylie! You ppl rock. (: Bought something (food) for both of em, cos when I saw it, I thought of them. Haha.
We the children are golden
And we the children are light
We dance on the top of the mountain
We shine like stars in the night
And we know, that our hopes and dreams would grow
Cos we the children make it so.
-Rylie;Xuan [x